LEC Store Now Open
The spring Licensed Electrical Contractor (LEC) campaign is well underway. The next phase of the campaign is the launch of the LEC store. The LEC store will provide Licensed Electrical Contractors with the opportunity to order and customize promotional materials. These will include lawn signs and door hangers that have the “Hire a licensed contractor” message and ESA’s brand on one side and the other side will have the contractors’ contact information. The LECs will also have free download of web badges that they can use on their websites to direct consumers to the www.electricalsmarts.ca webpage.
The store will open to LECs on April 8, 2015. Orders can only be placed online to ensure the costs remain low and to manage call volumes at the Customer Service Centre.
Visit the store at www.lecstore.ca. Any questions regarding the store should be directed to esa.communications@electricalsafety.on.ca.
The store also contains an FAQ for contractors to assist them in placing their orders.
This is great opportunity for ESA and the LECs to work together to support the campaign and extend the reach of the “Hire a licensed electrical Contractor” message.