
Prompt Payment Ontario responds to claims of policy shift

March 31, 2015 - The Daily Commercial News’ article today about Prompt Payment Ontario (PPO) changing their position on the Construction Lien Act is inaccurate.  The Lien Act is not a payment act and is therefore not the right vehicle for addressing prompt payment, what has changed is PPO’s opinion of the Review process itself.

“After meeting with Bruce Reynolds and his team, we are confident that the Review is truly independent of the status quo mindset that has quashed previous attempts to resolve payment issues in construction through the Lien Act,” said Eryl Roberts, President of Prompt Payment Ontario.

“We are also confident that the Review will not lose its focus on the key issues of prompt payment, fair distribution of risk and dispute resolution.”


Prompt Payment Ontario (PPO) is a sole-purpose alliance or coalition of contractor associations, unions, suppliers, general contractors, pension trust funds, and anyone else who has an interest is seeing prompt payment legislation enacted in the province of Ontario. Its purpose and goal are just that, to persuade the Ontario government that delinquent payment is a growing problem in the construction industry and that legislation is need to ensure that money flows as it is intended down through the contractor supply chain.